What are transformative land investments?

TLI calls for more transformation land investments to deliver more sustainable food systems. Such investments take a holistic, systems perspective that simultaneously creates environmental, social, economic and societal values while preventing and addressing any value destruction that may inadvertently emerge. This involves developing innovative and integrated solutions to systemic problems confronting marginalized populations and fragile landscapes.


Sustainable food systems

TLI generates food and nutrition security by adhering to agroecological principles and practices while promoting environmental stewardship, economic growth and human well-being – ensuring food stability for future generations.


Responsible investment

TLI enables agribusinesses to better respond to environmental, social and governance impacts in their investment decisions – actively avoiding doing harm and respecting the rights of local communities.

Social inclusion

TLI improves the abilities, opportunities and dignity of local communities – ensuring women and young people have equal and improved access to economic opportunities and benefits.


Transformative Land Investment is translating theory into action, finding actionable and locally appropriate solutions with global relevance.

Five countries, five paths

Ethiopia, Mozambique, Ghana, Laos, and Myanmar are taking part in the project’s first phase (2022–2025). From avocados to cocoa to wheat, each country will chart out unique pathways to tackling sustainability challenges.