Enabling environment assessments
As this busy year wraps up, we're launching the draft versions of our synthesis reports on the existing enabling policy and legal frameworks in five countries against our 14 TLI pr
Our GIS-based tool to visualise economic, social, and environmental risks and rewards
How can land investments drive sustainable development? The Risk-Reward Model (RRM), co-created by CIFOR-ICRAF, SNV, Land Equity International, and local multi-stakeholder platform
Towards green finance for land-based investments
Interested in the potential to improve financial systems to support small-scale, sustainable investment in agriculture and agri-food systems? Lao PDR makes for an interesting case
Transformation requires foundational work
When our teams from Ghana, Mozambique, Ethiopia, LaoPDR and Myanmar met in Addis Ababa recently, it was obvious how much deep work has been taking place beneath the surface.
Ghana’s Land Ministry pledges support for Transformative Land Investment project
The Deputy Minister of Lands and Natural Resources, Mr Benito Owusu-Bio, has said his Ministry pledges its unwavering support for the SNV Transformative Land Investment project.